When the weather is good, everyone wants to be outside! And, of course, throwing a soiree under-the-stars is the best way to celebrate the season. Whether you’re planning a cocktail-style party or a more formal dinner, you will be welcoming people into your yard, the way you do your home. But, let’s be honest - like summer bodies being made in the winter, the same thing is true for the yard. By taking a few easy steps prior to summer, you’ll be sure your garden is at its very best when it is time to pop the Champagne!

Start With The Lawn: If you have a lawn in the yard, getting it into tip-top shape is the first big step. Starting in the Spring, make sure it is watered, fertilized and has been sprayed for weeds, either by you or a landscaper. From there, continue to mow at the current height (too low can cause stress) to ensure a lush, green lawn. Need a quick fix? Look into putting down sod or creating a yard with rock/stone garden features instead.
Flower Power: If you’re happy with the placement of all your flower beds, now is the time to spruce them up a bit. If you’ve already planted seeds in the Fall or have perennials you love poking their heads above the surface, great. However, if you’re looking for a “wow” effect, now is the time to look into adding annuals to your garden. Take it a step further by figuring out which flowers will be in full bloom around the time of your event to keep everyone talking.

Wash, Wash, Wash: There is no escaping cleaning up a bit, even though the party is not inside! Take some time to power wash any fences, patio/deck, outdoor receptacles and fixtures; and the back of the home. Once that is done, make sure all windows facing the party have been cleaned both on the inside and out. This will brighten up the space.
Map Out Your Vision: Now that the heavy lifting has been done, it’s time to make your vision come to life! First, it’s time to pick a theme. Then, it’s down to the setup. Will there be twinkle lights or lanterns? Will you have one long gathering table or will you be creating smaller seating areas for people to gather? Will there be entertainment and where will it be set up in the yard? Need some more inspiration? Check out our best ideas for a Tuscan-themed dinner party; how to party like an Italian; and ways to simplify any outdoor party.