
Rolling Silverware in a Linen Napkin – How to Guide
If you’re going to the bother of putting out lovely linen napkins for a special celebration meal, then make sure you add even more elegance by rolling silverware in an...

Italian Linen Versus European Linen
Where linen originates is important. By ‘originate’ we mean where the flax seed is grown (rather than where the linen is manufactured). Much is made of Italian linen, but you’ll...

How to clean linen – plus top tips for stain removal
Freshly laundered table linen looks fantastic when you’re dining for a special occasion. It can really add to the ambiance and set the scene for an elegant get together. The...

Caring for 100% Linen
When it comes to, linen and cotton both are wonderful and durable materials, but very different when it comes to caring for them to ensure longevity and durability. Actually, linen...

How to have the best bath this winter
Sensuous bath oils, whether added to your bath water or rubbed into your skin afterwards, are the secret ingredient if you want to take your bath time to the next...

Our Best Winter Warmers - Stay Snug In Style
Across the globe, 2020 has been all about staying snug at home. But there’s no reason why your home shouldn’t be stylish, given you are spending so much time in...